Wednesday, July 21, 2010

online tutorial: 21.7.10

emerging self with medium
the process is important, compare with outcome
feel with full senses, in relation with space,  touch, pressure, etc

playing with different kind of medium
such as collage, poster paint, pacho, pencil, digital medium, and etc
just play, and feel it!

so, the 1st task is :- explore as much as i can, about the medium
tthen, Alex asked the group members to go
to sign up an account , then try to PLAy & explore with this website
the main purpose of this play is to ur creative imagination
  •  This is a one of the developmental task Alex would like US to engaged  
  •  Learn to use   intuition and let the images draw to it. 
  • Stay with the imagery and let it speak 
  • Express it , when u looked at the picture, is there anything the picture speaks?
  • find the words to articulate the essence of what it may trigger/connect in mind. 
  • Most importantly learn to PLAY


2nd task
to create a group images
try to communicate in any form, to create a group picture
Alex give us an uRL
is a free website, try to explore and play again


3rd task
go to

Draw a person
sharing Joanna picture in Scriblink, alex start to teach us on reflective question
Draw a person meaning a person, regarless age, gender, races
so, when a individual draw a person which is not complete
we can open invitation, asked: i wonder can i invite you to draw a full person
if the person draw a specific gender, or when the picture unclear
we can asked the individual
" What gender is this person? if male, then can i invite u to draw the other gender? a female person?"

remember: when a person asked:" can i draw myself"
do not answer YES, or NO, but just answer " Draw a person, any person"
reason: expression of self, and how this individual would like to perceive him/herself in this world
reduce the projection on self.

Asking about question:
  1.  What gender is this person?
  2.  What he is likey to do?
  3. what age he might be?
  4. where did the person come from? 
  5. is there any favoritism in school? sports
  6. any idea what's sport he play/interest with?
  7. what is his favourite colour?
  8. Who is his best friends?
  9. which part of this body he likes most?
  10. what about the legs he likes most? being strong
  11. being strong, what does it allow him to do?
  12. is there any part of the body he doesn't like?
  13. is there any part of the body he wish to different? muscle in arm
  14. is he have build the muscle in arm, how does this affect/ change his life?
  15. if he perceive as adult like, how does he like people around him to treat him?
  16. being a young adult, what provoke him angry?if he is likely to get angry

when quesions was asked, listening for the narrative story
facilitative questionning skill is important.
listening for the narrative,  and listen for the symbolic/methaphors

all of this is called PROJECTION WORK
it can only work when the client feel safe
as the unconscious will be projected indiretly

start with something concrete, open questions

4th task
try to google famous artist, and tells about the artist and the painting.
how the art relationship to people surrounding him?
just any 2 picture

example: any hidden message/object the artist try to do convey in this pic?
Specific colours used,  object, or relationship/ meaning??

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