Monday, July 26, 2010

PicLits: eXeRciSe #002

PicLit from
See the full PicLit at

"with the blue eyes
cover my flesh in water
from the darkness walk towards the light
wondering what had around
searching, looking, moving
slowly, pace by pace..."

2 voices in me, Angel vs Demon

i had make this phrase after comments by alex. though i seldom read english poem, but i think i am doing good

remember, u only read mandarin story book.  you should write in Mandarin

no no no...x10, u need to improve ur  lousy english. TRY to do THIS in English

No No No, u have limited vocabulary, and also lack of understanding of methaphors

x10, u can do this..just like Alex examples, enjoy and have fun

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 i am attract by this green creature this early morning
especially the eyes.
blue eyes, with yellow color outer layer
hide inside the water
feels like this green creature is watcing, obsering , looking , wondering , viewing

water is represent of the emotion/unconsious?
the water is moving smoothly, soft....
i see this green creature with big eyes is moving forward

if i am giving an opportunity to explore more, i would asked:
  • where does this little green creature heading too?
  • how does it feel when inside this water?
  • how is the water temperature to it? 
  • as moving along in the water, what does it see?
  • what is in its' mind at that moment?
  • where does it comes from?

i am not sure, am i on the right track for the pic Lits exercise???
no feedback yet from Alex. then, i guess i am doing right...


  1. I praise you for your energetic enthusiasm and motivation for putting such efforts in all that you do...sometimes moving way ahead before the dust has settled. You have rightly reflect on the associations you have made with the image and generate questions for further potential explorations. In this exercise the emphasis is on giving form in poetic metaphoric prose and poetry that such images may have inspired in you thus allowing your creative juices and imagination a free rein to play with your intuition. Example - If I allow this image to be my inspiration, this poetry is what I have come up with

    "Rising from the mud of the lotus pond
    A new dawn emerges from the darkness of the cold water
    The frog surveys the world afresh
    The illumination reveals the hues of natures the hidden brilliance"

    I use metaphors, symbols to frame the inspiration that it evokes in me.

    Would you care to decipher what it may be alluding to from the prose above? I will share with you later on what I had attempted to express through the words above after you give it a shot at it.

  2. You stumped me to use poem o?? :( :~
    will try, will try.... never give up to try...

  3. I Ling, poetry comes from the heartmind not the headmind, sometimes we rely too much on our 'head' at the expense of our 'heart' / right brain / 'yin'/feminine/animus the source of our intuition, creativity and imaginative processes. DON'T TRY TOO HARD, because I know you will make every effort to do just that, just relax, enjoy, have fun, allow yourself to be 'moved' its not a 'head' or intellectual task. Don't get too technical and bog down with how a poetry should be like. You will know it when it connects with you. Tip - Make each word richly laden with meaning that resonates with you. Just like the ideographic characters of Chinese offering many different meanings in its composition. This could provide a starting point to inspire yourself. Its about painting a picture with words and "a picture is worth a thousand words". This is a Chinese poem in English

    Alone Looking at the Mountain

    All the birds have flown up and gone;
    A lonely cloud floats leisurely by.
    We never tire of looking at each other -
    Only the mountain and I.

    By Li Bai
