Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Art Therapy

i am just thinking is the art therapy basically is the same for Expressive art? creative art?
how this element work together in the art? is it basically the same?
if not, what's the differences?

According to American Art Therapy Association , Art therapy is a mental health profession that uses the creative process of art making to improve and enhance the physical, mental and emotional well-being of individuals of all ages. It is based on the belief that the creative process involved in artistic self-expression helps people to resolve conflicts and problems, develop interpersonal skills, manage behavior, reduce stress, increase self-esteem and self-awareness, and achieve insight. 

Art therapy integrates the fields of human development, visual art (drawing, painting, sculpture, and other art forms), and the creative process with models of counseling and psychotherapy. Art therapy is used with children, adolescents, adults, older adults, groups, and families to assess and treat the following: anxiety, depression, and other mental and emotional problems and disorders; mental illness; substance abuse and other addictions; family and relationship issues; abuse and domestic violence; social and emotional difficulties related to disability and illness; trauma and loss; physical, cognitive, and neurological problems; and psychosocial difficulties related to medical illness. Art therapy programs are found in a number of settings including hospitals, clinics, public and community agencies, wellness centers, educational institutions, businesses, and private practices.

The second definition of art therapy is based on the idea that art is a means of symbolic communication. This approach, often referred to as art psychotherapy, emphasizes the products—drawings, paintings, and other art expressions—as helpful in communicating issues, emotions, and conflicts. The art image becomes significant in enhancing verbal exchange between the person and the therapist and in achieving insight; resolving conflicts; solving problems; and formulating new perceptions that in turn lead to positive changes, growth, and healing. In reality, art as therapy and art psychotherapy are used together in varying degrees. In other words, art therapists feel that both the idea that art making can be a healing process and that art products communicate information relevant to therapy are important (Malchiodi, 2006).

Monday, June 21, 2010

Expressive Art: Visual

This is a picture i had expend from the "soul" card i had choose with pre-dominant hand
i guess..this is the personal collective uncnscious when it appear in front of me
I see HIM, when i look at the card, especially the eyes
the eyes like telling me a lot of story and it look so sad

i start to draw a moon besides the card and expend the colour from the card
it makes me feel ease and peace when i am expending the stroke
i used red... white and  orange colour to strike out the stroke

what might that be about?
if this is your picture, what is it about? what you perceive in this picture ya?

Monday, June 14, 2010

Stary Stary Night

It's a song by Qi Yu, a Taiwanese singer
now i recall this special song, i used to listen this song too
it's sang about Vincent

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Who is Vincent van Gogh

My Group had choose Vincent Van Gough
i have no ideas who is this, but when i listen to the song
" starry starry your clour blue and grey........"  start to recall
Oo.... is this the man - Vincent.... Now I SEE

i try try google in wiki, who is Vincent van Gogh
yes... getting his some information and background.

Vincent Willem van Gogh[a 1] (30 March 1853 – 29 July 1890) was a Dutch post-Impressionist painter whose work had a far-reaching influence on 20th century art for its vivid colors and emotional impact. He suffered from anxiety and increasingly frequent bouts of mental illness throughout his life, and died largely unknown, at the age of 37, from a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

He is an Post-Impresionist
Famoust Art Work
The Potato Eaters, Sunflowers, The Starry Night, Irises, Portrait of Dr. Gachet

The Starry Night (June 1889),
The Museum of Modern Art, New York

Portrait of Dr. Gachet (1890),
was sold for US$ 82.5 million in 1990.
Private collection

5.6.10: Therapeutic Use of Art and Image Making

Today i had participate in Continuos personal and Profesional Development programme
this is new module from Disted-Bold, about Therapeutic Use of Art and Image Making
Well, i guess, i have further knowing about the art and image making from this workshop.
when about to start, Alex, the trainer as usual asked us to write down few questions to ask in a small piece of paper. hmmmm, i had written down few questions:-
1. What is Art therapy?
2. What's the difference beween art and image making? is they same/similar or differ?
3. How can i blended this new module - therapeutic use of art and image making for my client?
4. what kind of material needed in doing art and image making?
5. Do i need the specific diagnosis skill to look at art and image making of my client?

Actually, i have no ideas of ART is about.
i seldom look at art work, and i didn't go for art gallery
when alex asked about in the group, who is the artist i know? share about the great art work, i have no idea at all. then, Alex asked again, what kind of picture in the house normally i put on... suprisingly...NONE. i do not have 1. in my workplace, my workroom, i dun own any pic, but the picture i draw for my self, the roses.
and a piece of children drawing....

MY group choose Van Gou
Following the discussion, Alex asked us to choose a medium i am not familiar with and try to do a piece of art work. i decided to do a mandala for myself.

my team members look at my piece, and say, this is too much. it's really heavy and burden.
art work like Indian style,
the cycle is too big, unable to focused.

It's really a big one. i have no think of making ay changes now...maye next time?
in the middle, is a small meteor and a sun... i guess, this is power energy/ the source it comes.
while, taking good care of the centre, the energy source, it really won't be that hard. and i am able to focus with what i have outside. i always believe, loving self, is start from myself, and love goes in, not get love from outside.

while, when u looked at my piece, what do you see?
If this picture belongs to you, what say you?

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with the participants more that 20 people in this workshop
i actually be an "eye opener" with the creation. it's really tremendous
i am impressed and suprised by the art work by everyone
this is speechless...
below are some art work by participants...

i love this art piece/ without colour creation
if this is my art work, i would say it looks like a birds open wings and flying

 if this is my art work, i would say i miss my childhood when i can play freely and enjoyable in he sunset.
Its a 3D creation of art work "sunrise"
with using  a simple cray, the paper craft, and also a green colour A4 paper as background, it become an impressive picture.
How wondeful of the creation...

 The art work master said: its a celebration of myself
she is really a wonderful lady
it's a simple pieces of art material and become 2D look
simple and easy use of paper plates could make a picture turns other way round. If i am the creation of this piece, i am enjoying of myself and connected with who i truthly am.

Its a happy family work with clay
painted with lovely colour love by each damily's members
while looking at this family, i look at my family too
my family  doesn't have close relationship like this small miniatures display, but my family respect each others life and get connected with each others though we are far apart.
it's remind me more and often go homes....
i miss my home now...

 its a simple paper plate
painted with 2 different colour and
it turns to become a creature
how wonderful

Its a simple paper cutting
i am attract by the words ' I WANT"
it say: i want to be absolutely free

yeah~~ i WANT too