Monday, August 8, 2011

Mandala #1

7th August 2011
i make one Mandala for myself
it name "calmness"

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Spreading Cr8TvT to Pahang

i was invited by Pahang Team Colleague
to share v them Expressive art work/ Creative Art Skill
i am not teaching, but sharing what i learn.

NAME, shape and MYSELF

  then, the BIG piece
Thank you myself, for joining CCS'10
with BOLD, Pris, PN and the rest, it strengthen my skill and i am able to do more with my client in current work place!


water colour / poster with  brushes
draw what ever u like in the piece


the drawing continue to grow

memory at Rompim, Pahang
13-15 July 2011